Louis Gregory Baha'i Institute 50th Anniversary
As we reflect together on these first 50 years of the Institute’s life, we must begin by pausing to remember with admiration and gratitude the contributions made down the years by a veritable legion of devoted souls―teachers, administrators, and others too numerous to mention by name―who have given and continue to give their talents wholeheartedly to its advancement. Nor can we forget that the vital mission of the Louis G. Gregory Bahá’í Institute attracted the wise and loving ministrations of outstanding members of the Faith’s senior institutions―among them, several Hands of the Cause of God. To adequately recount the half-century of the Institute’s history would require space and time far beyond the modest scope of a letter. But casting our minds back over those eventful years, we can see that they testify to the strength of the Bahá’í community’s commitment to providing an effective center of Bahá’í learning especially for the people of the American Deep South and particularly for the people of the historic Pee Dee region. In this light, it is both useful and inspiring to remind ourselves of how the enterprise began: with meaningful conversations animated by what the Universal House of Justice has aptly termed “a simple strand of love.” ~National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States, October 22, 2022
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Who is Louis Gregory?
Photographs of beloved Hand of the Cause of God Louis Gregory.
Louis G. Gregory (1874-1951) rose from humble circumstances in Reconstruction-era South Carolina to national and international prominence as a teacher and administrator of the Baha’i Faith and a champion of interracial unity.