Among the range of questions now before every training institute one stands out as particularly pressing: how to mobilize sufficient numbers of children’s class teachers for successive grades and, by extension, tutors who can form groups to study the requisite courses. The units that comprise the three books currently available contain both materials for study by teachers and lessons for children, allowing institutes to establish without delay the first three grades of a six-year programme. - 12 December 2011, Universal House of Justice

Among the greatest of all services that can possibly be rendered by man to Almighty God is the education and training of children… -`Abdu’l-Bahá
Besides the systematic training of teachers for successive grades, institutes will need to learn about the formation of classes for distinct age groups in villages and neighbourhoods; the provision of teachers for various classes; the retention of students year after year, grade after grade; and the continued progress of children from a wide variety of households and backgrounds–in short, the establishment of an expanding, sustainable system for child education that will keep pace with both the growing concern among parents for their youngsters to develop sound moral structures and the rise in human resources in the community. -Universal House of Justice, Dec 12, 2011
Classes that nurture the tender hearts and minds of children are a basic building block of spiritual life, character, moral discernment, and happiness. They help children learn how to serve others and to advance human society.
Parents everywhere are looking for ways to give their children this spiritual education. Spiritual and moral education for children has a long tradition in the Bahá’í community. In neighborhoods throughout the Southeast region and around the world, Bahá’ís and their friends offer classes that develop the deeper capacities of the young and supplement the education they receive at school.
These classes are open to children of all backgrounds, ages 6-11, and are often run in collaboration with their families. The classes draw on the teachings of the Bahá’í Faith and aim to inspire in children a love for God, for the Founders of all the great religions, and for living a good life. The classes include short lessons, activities to build social skills and friendships, games, stories that illustrate virtues like love, kindness, generosity, and art and music.
Here, children learn to apply spiritual principles such as love, unity and justice to their own lives. All children are welcome and no child participates without the approval of his or her parents.
If you would like learn more about starting a children’s class in your area and/or serving as a children’s class teacher, please contact:

Any child participating in a children's class should have their parents complete the Permission Form prepared by the Office of Assembly Development: