Column detail from the Monument Gardens at the Baha'i World Centre. Copyright © Bahá’í International Community

Regional Baha’i Council

Regional Baha'i Councils are elected Bahá’í institutions operating within regions under the direction of the National Spiritual Assembly. The Regional Baha'i Council of the Southeastern States includes the states of Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia and South Carolina.

“It is our ardent prayer at the Sacred Threshold, that the establishment of Regional Baha’i Councils will greatly enhance the ability of the Administrative Order to deal with the complex situations with which it is confronted in a number of countries at the present time, and thus carry forward, with increased vigour, the propagation of the Cause of God.  
–The Universal House of Justice
“…their primary task is to support and guide the work of expansion and consolidation in cluster after cluster.”
- Universal House of Justice, Aug 9, 2012

Regional Bahá’í Councils are elected Bahá’í institutions operating within regions under the direction of the National Spiritual Assembly. They coordinate regional efforts to expand and consolidate the outreach of the Bahá’í community, analyze approaches to carry out current Bahá’í plans, propose strategies to help clusters move through stages of growth, and promote neighborhood capacity building and learning.

Contact information:


Phone: (470) 991-9779