Group photo from Unit Convention 2023 in SC.

Group photo from Unit Convention 2023 in SC.

The Baha'i Electoral Process: What should I expect at the 2024 Convention?

Baha'i Electoral Process Sep 24, 2024

For many of us, attending the Unit Convention will be an experience we are very familiar with. For others, this may be the first time, or are fairly new to the process. It might be helpful to learn more about the process, and about the importance of this sacred duty.

What happens at a Unit Convention?

In addition to the voting, the opportunity for consultation with the delegates is important. Hitherto this has been achieved by calling a convention in each unit to which all the believers in that electoral unit are invited. The voting for delegates has then taken place at the unit conventions with provision for voting by mail for those who do not attend. In some areas these meetings have been very fruitful and have helped to foster collaboration among the believers in the unit... – Universal House of Justice, Messages from the Universal House of Justice: 1963-1986, # 433, p. 671

How is the Convention organized?

After opening devotions, the convenor of the convention will call for the election of the convention chairperson and secretary. The chairperson then facilitates the flow of the convention according to the agenda.

What is my role?

Participants at the Unit Convention will cast their vote for an individual(s) from their electoral unit to represent them as their delegate(s) at the National Baha'i Convention in April 2025. In addition to electing the delegate to the National Convention, you will have the opportunity to take part in consultation with the friends, from materials provided by the National Spiritual Assembly.

House of Worship; Quote: "The manner in which the elctor exercises the right and privilege to cast his vote is therefore of great significance...-Universal House of Justice 25 March 2007

How do I know who to vote for?

The compilation below on Baha'i Elections may be very helpful. We cast our votes based on criteria of character described by Shoghi Effendi: unquestioned loyalty, selfless devotion, a well-trained mind, recognized ability and mature experience. In addition, the Universal House of Justice has written "From among the pool of those whom the elector believes to be qualified to serve, selection should be made with due consideration given to such other factors as age distribution, diversity, and gender."

What else can I expect?

You can expect to meet your fellow Baha'is, see friends you might not have seen for awhile, have a lively consultation and hear about activities in your area.

Where and when is my Unit Convention?

You can find information about your Unit Convention in several ways:

  • Visit the National Bahá’í Administrative Website (; go to "Elections" in the menu on the left side, click on "Delegate Elections/Electoral Unit Maps by Region"
  • Contact your Local Spiritual Assembly
  • Contact the Regional Baha'i Council (
